Immersion Englisch

Would you like to gain a deeper understanding and more natural use of English as a second language in addition to your regular education?

With the program "Immersion English", you will improve your written and oral language skills and learn about the English language as a tool for acquiring knowledge in other subjects. Since English lectures and literature are common in many courses of study nowadays, bilingual instruction is good preparation for many programs in tertiary education.

Check out what first-year immersion students have to say:
• "After a couple weeks, it is really easy to speak English in class because you get used to it". (Judith)
• "You are able to communicate with others in many countries." (Nina)
• "I have improved my English skills very quickly." (Anina)
• "Choosing this class gives me a higher probability of getting an English certificate." (Roman)
• "It’s fun!" (Aurélie)

The immersion program begins either in the 3rd year of high school or in the first year when you transfer from lower secondary school. You can find more detailed information about the "Immersion English" program in our educational profiles Immersion Englisch.


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